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Фареры – день 2: трек на Sørvágsvatn, острова Streymoy и Eysturoy (Eiði, Gjogv, Oyrarbakki)


Мне не спалось с 2 ночи. В 6 встал, поел, пошел на Slave Cliff и озеро Sørvágsvatn. Это то самое, которое “оптичеcкая иллюзия” или “озеро над океаном”. Вход находится недалеко от хостела, можно пешком дойти. Только вот вверх придется много подниматься.

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Trip to Kelsuu lake

Kelsuu means “coming water”

Kel-suu is the most beautiful lake in Kyrgyzstan. Definitely. Hard to get, located at 3500m above the sea level, in a far and cold Ak-sai valley. Its water comes down from the melting glaciers on the high rocks surrounding the lake,  and it has this magnificent blue-green color. Honestly, I don’t know anyone, who was not impressed by the photos.

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Iceland round trip – Day 1 – How to start a rented car in Iceland

The plane landed around 22.00 to the far windy island, the ancient land of vikings. Today we know it as Iceland. Everyone had his own expectations from this unknown land, but we were all expecting some miracle, like if we came to another planet.

For me this trip was really a miracle. Iceland became the most original, impressive country, that impressed my imagination. The land where people live in an ideal world, trust each other, care of the nature, and the most common crime here – is stealing a ship. Continue reading “Iceland round trip – Day 1 – How to start a rented car in Iceland”

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